Mos Def... Selling out?
= ?
I was going to talk about the Spurs/Pistons game but while watching it something surprised me and after I got to thinking about it...almost startled me.
It was a commercial,a GMC commercial, and Mos Def was in it pitching Denali to I guess..urbanites?? What happened to New World Water? What happened to lashing out at corporations who exploit the earth's resources? I would love to have a new Denali but I thought this was all against Mighty Mos's ideals and I just can't see him not seeing that GMC is using him to appeal to a black and urban demograph....gone
are the days where I looked up to Mos Def as a hip hop icon, he's been degraded to a marketing gimmick.
GM's statement about their new spokeperson and what they call African American Advertising
Maybe I'm making too much of a deal about this or maybe I have unreal expectations of people I consider "real"
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