Saturday, June 18, 2005


I was working tonight and my co-worker asked me a simple question ( or it would seem simple to someone who isn't as passionate about hip hop), that question was why I liked hip hop so much. This questions stonewalled me and everytime I attempted to answer too many thoughts surged into my head. Is the answer because I love the sound of a emcee spitting is lyrical veracity over a beat that you can't help but nod your head to? Is the answer because the topics and ideologies often represented are and have molded my own ideals? Is it because hip hop has opened my eyes to a vibrant and rich culture when all I see without it is a monopolization of our culture by corporate America?

When I was in the shower I had an epiphany, the reason why I love hip hop isn't anyone of these reasons, the reason I love hip hop is all of these reasons. The fact that hip hop has so many facets is almost unreal, from Gift of Gab to Immortal Technique. Whatever mood I'm in at any given time I have something from hip hop to accentuate that mood.

I'm having a love affair with hip hop and this blogging thing is surprisingly refreshing, that whole "getting my thoughts out" thing is really doing it for me. I might be having a love affair with blogging soon.


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